Stay On Your Feet Week

As a result of exciting changes the team at ICCWA will no longer be focusing our efforts on promoting Stay On Your Feet Week. The focus is changing to the longer campaign themes of the Move Improve Clean campaign. This change should not prevent you from delivering falls prevention initiatives at any time during the year. ICCWA will continue to produce resources that are available for you to order and distribute at events throughout the year and we will always endevour to support you the best we can in the promotion of healthy, active ageing and falls prevention.

If you have any questions about any of these campaigns, please contact the team.

Stay On Your Feet Week 2013

Last year Stay On Your Feet Week was held from 8th -14th September 2013 with grant recipients coordinating projects from August to December 2013.

Thank you to all those who participated in the Stay On Your Feet Week grants program for 2013.

We had some fabulous events that were hosted throughout the second half of 2013

For more information please contact us